Some of my favorite weddings to shoot are the ones that aren’t
traditional.  I love seeing couples express their unique relationship in
a setting that is truly their own–whether it be a relaxed wedding in a field at sundown, a beautiful Jewish ceremony
held outside, or something more homely.  Katie and Matt celebrated
their nuptials in a setting I’d never seen before: their neighborhood
cul de sac.

I have never felt so relaxed shooting a wedding, and owe that to the
warm, cozy environment that was my photographic playground for the
afternoon. All the elements of a usual wedding were present, but the
location they took place gave the day a twist for me.  A little girl put
on her dress in the living room downstairs, family members lounged on
the couch before the ceremony, family portraits took place in the
backyard instead of in the front of a church, Katie and Matt said “I do”
on the front porch of their Durham home, guests hula-hooped in the lawn
at the reception.

I’d love to shoot more weddings like this in the future.  The
off-beat nature of everything was really refreshing, making ordinary
wedding moments that I capture all the time seem like something totally
different.  If I could get married again, I’d probably make my wedding
something like this—an intimate gathering of family and friends in my
backyard (since I don’t have a cul de sac)!